Saturday, June 27, 2015

Drain Your Nose and Sinuses

                                  It’s not the most glamorous task, but you can flush your clogged nasal Sinus passages with a nasal irrigation system.
  Nasal rinse , irrigation, nasal lavage or nasal douche, is a personal hygiene practice in which the nasal cavity is washed to flush out excess mucus and debris from the nose and sinuses
Dr:T.K.Alexander designed and developed a most modern irrigation system’ ,to wash your nasal passages.
Many medical institutions, such as the Mayo Clinic, advocate the use of nasal irrigation. The most recent study appeared in January 2009, with the 200 patients in the study reporting  relief of symptoms from twice daily irrigations.

the American Food and Drug Administration  American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology . recommends daily nasal irrigation.
  It is a key to healthier sinuses and is a DETOX (  Detoxification is the physiological or medicinal removal of toxic substances from a living organism) to the person
written in :”the Harvard Medical School Guide to Healing Your Sinuses” written byProf: Ralph.b.Metson .M.D

Before you reach for expensive equipments over-the-counter or prescriptions for allergy remedies, you might want to try an  nasal irrigation that really seems to work  . It is  washing out your nose once or twice daily with lukewarm isotonic solution. Most medical studies on nasal irrigation for allergies are rather positive, and there's little risk and little expense in trying.Nasal irrigation simply washes away the irritants causing the allergy symptoms..

 Treatment guidelines in both Canada and the United States now advocate use of nasal irrigation for all causes of rhinosinusitis and for postoperative cleaning of the nasal cavity.

 The nose is like a car filter or a/c air filter that traps debris
The Nose is the only filter to approximately 14,000 liters of air that we breathe every day. In order to keep this air-filter clean, it is necessary to have a routine of daily nasal hygiene .
The nose is a vital but often neglected organ. Not only does it play a role in our sense of smell, taste, and the sound of our voice, the nose is the first line of defence against airborne contaminants
'If the nasal lining is dry or the tiny hairs, called cila, are blocked and cannot move, the nose does not function..
'Washing your nose daily can clean, clear and moisturise the nose to ensure it is in top working condition.' 
'ensure your first line of defence is in top working condition to filter and filter and remove particles and allergens effectively'.
                  The solution  is isotonic- containing the same salt balance as the cells in the human body, making it gentle and effective at washing away contaminants and debris trapped in the inner nose .
'When used regularly, this can help to delay the onset of allergic reaction when the levels of allergens rise by reducing exposure.

For centuries, The practice of nasal irrigation likely originated in the Ayurvedic medical tradition in which it is known as "jala neti". The  neti pot  orginates from the yoga traditation  of India and its millenia old health and awareness traditions.  (Jal in Hindi means water, Jala neti literally means ‘water cleansing’). The neti pot has long been used as an aid to facilite deep breathing.

The nose has to deal with the outside air that may be too dry ,too damp ,too hot or a too cold for the body .It has to adjust to our climate,witch may be that of the sea coast,deseart,mountains or other habitats that present  their own special challanges.around us, who work or live in a dusty or polluted environment.

    Nasal irrigation is a great way to counter nasal congestion and sinus allergies, that are other wise difficult to treat. By enabling you to breath better ,it can give you more energy that can aiterally transform your life.
Our nasal irrigation system is inexpensive , easy to use and helpful for everyone.
Once you try it and experience its benifits ,it will quickly become a regular part of your daily self care routine.
the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has concerns about the risk of infection tied to the improper use of  nasal rinsing devices. FDA is informing  about safe practices for using  nasal rinsing devices,
These devices are generally safe and useful products, says Steven Osborne, M.D., a medical officer in FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH).
Medical research confirmed that, premitive neti pot, or saline nasal rinse,could do more harm than good if not done properly.
 A 2008 study found that people with severe allergies did n’t need to rely on harsher steroid nasal sprays as much after using regular nasal irrigation.  
Nasal sinus irrigation  is prescribes  by ENT and Allergy specialists in the Europian countries , USA and Canada.

In 2007, a University of Michigan study published in the Archives of Otolaryngology head and neck Surgery found that within two months ,adults with chronic sinus problems inclding mucous problems like post nasal drip,dry nose, and congestion ,felt more improvements after using nasal irrigation. Melissa Pynnonen ,MD,professor of otolaryngology at University of Michigan medical School, prescribes nasal irrigation for  her patients who have frequent or chronic nasal  sinus problems with much success. She usually recommends her patients starts twice a day, in morning and night, and then experiment with the frequency until they find symptom relief.”For some people ,that’s  twice a week,”she says. “For others ,its every day.
"I find it to be the first line of defense in dealing with complicated sinus problems and allergy problems," says Evangeline Lausier, MD, assistant clinical professor of medicine and director of clinical services at Duke University's department of integrative medicine. "Particularly if you are developing congestion or have a sinus infection, it's very helpful."

Dr:Alexander desined ,developed and produced most modern Nasal sinus irrigation procedure,as per the newly devoleped guidelines  advised by American Food and Drug Administration , the Mayo Clinic, American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology(AAAAI) and The Harvard Medical School.U,S.A. 

Causes of Sinus Irritation and allergy